raise / rise / rise 要求加薪英文要用哪個字?
rise raise arise三態整理、用法、例句
小編整理了這3個長得很像的單字:rise、raise、arise三態、片語、例句,下次就不會搞混囉! 加薪請用raise!!
動詞三態 | 片語/例句 | 語意 |
rise / rose / risen |
Give rise to
漲、升、站起、起床 |
raise / raised / raised | Raise money =籌錢
舉起、籌錢、飼養 |
arise / arose / arisen | An unforeseen difficulty has arisen. 出現了無法預料的困難。 We arose early on Christmas morning. 我們在聖誕節早上起得很早。 |
發生、起床 |
rise例句 | raise例句
The kite rises into the air. 風箏升上天空了
The depression gives rise to widespread unemployment. 經濟蕭條導致到處都失業
We raise money for the new hospital in Africa. 我們為了在非洲的新醫院籌備資金
She asked his boss for a raise. 她要求老闆加薪
1. ( ) Share prices are in free ______ in Tokyo this morning.
(A) rise
(B) fall
(C) up
正確答案:(B) 今天東京的股價一瀉千里
In free fall = 大跌
On the rise = 上漲
2. ( ) While I was shopping at the market, I realized that the prices of many items ___________ in recent weeks.
(A) had been risen
(B) had risen
正確答案:(B) 到市場購物時,才知道很多物價都上漲了。