
【多益文法】英文連接詞用法 | 對等連接詞和從屬連接詞



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but nor
though because
while however
as unless
instead therefore
since as well as
if in case

But 連接詞




▶ We highly appreciate the ideas and the effort you put into this proposal, but at this moment and time, we are unable to fulfill the proposed requests.

▶ My office hour is 3:00 to 5:00 pm every Wednesday, but if you are unable to meet at this time,we may set an appointment.

▶ I have to apologize that I can't join the conference call, but I don't want to miss any important points.



▶ appreciate 感激

▶ effort = hard work 辛勞心血

▶ proposal 提案

▶ fulfill 實現、達成

▶ request 要求

▶ conference call 電話會議


Nor 連接詞


1. 「A and B」A跟B都是,搭配both變成both A and B

2. 「A or B」不是A就是B,搭配either變成either A or B

3. 「A nor B」 不是A也不是B,搭配neither變成neither A nor B



▶ I didn't see the suppliers mail nor did I receive any call from him.

▶ Neither the marketing nor the sales team has received its proposed budget.


Though 連接詞

Though = even though = although

▶ 和 but 一樣是轉折語氣,不過though語氣較弱

有了 though, even though, although 的句子,不能再用 but ,也不能用 however


Though例句 | Although例句

▶ Even though there isn't any concrete evidence, most staff buy into the rumors.

▶ The American branch office has eventually met the sales quota, although some challenges were encountered.


Though | Although 例句單字補充

▶ concrete (adj.)確實的;(n.)水泥

▶ evidence 證據

▶ buy into = believe 相信

▶ eventually = finally 最終

▶ quota 額度

▶ encounter 遭遇;遇到


Because 連接詞

▶ Because中文因為,作為連接詞連接的是有因果關係的句子

▶ 句子中有 because ,就不能再出現so、therefore

❶ because + 主詞 + 動詞...
❷ because of + 名詞 = due to + 名詞



▶ Everyone has to organize their offices because we have some guests coming tomorrow.

▶ We have to delay the flights because of the unexpected sandstorm.

= We have to delay the flights due to the unexpected sandstorm.



▶ organize 整理;收納

▶ guest 客人

▶ due to = because of 因為;由於

▶ unexpected 出乎意料的

▶ sandstorm 沙塵暴


While 連接詞

▶ While意思是當...的時候,基本上等於when

▶ while在句首可以當作雖然;儘管 「另一方面...; 或是though, although 的替代品」


While taking bus and the metro system is convenient and environmental,many tourists still prefer to take cabs.

▶ I was working on the project while my manager called me.


▶ metro system 捷運

▶ environmental 環保的

▶ tourist 觀光客

▶ cab = taxi


However 連接詞

▶ However 中文是然而。意思、用法和but差不多

▶ However 也可以當no matter how 無論如何


▶ Modern technology enables us to communicate freely without time and space boundaries; however, some researchers argued that it actually adds distance between people.

▶ We, Jake Financial Group, will provide the tailor-made service, however you want to do with your banking.
(這裡的however類似no matter how)


▶ boundary = 邊界界線

▶ distance = 距離

▶ tailor-made = 客製化

▶ banking = 銀行所有服務


As 連接詞

▶ As = because, when or like 各有相似但是不能100% 代替


As he walked out of the meeting room, his secretary immediately ran to push the button for elevator.

As illustrated below, the interior design is highly oriented to be space efficien and entertainment use.

▶ Everyone was quiet in the meeting, as all staff somehow know that the new policy will pass anyway.


▶ secretary = 秘書

▶ immediately = right away

▶ elevator = 電梯

▶ 特別增加: escalator = 手扶梯

▶ illustrate = 畫面呈現

▶ interior = 內裡的內部的內裝的

▶ oriented to = 傾向於...

▶ entertainment = 娛樂


Unless 連接詞

▶ unless意思是除非;除了在...的情況下

▶ unless是從屬連接詞,也就是說unless後面的子句無法單獨存在,一定要跟前面的子句一起出現才能表達完整的意思。

▶ unless後面一定是加肯定句,因為他的意思有點像是「如果不...就...」,如果加否定句就變成雙重否定了。



Unless you call me to say you're not coming, I'll see you at the restaurant.
= I will see you at the restaurant if you do not call to say you are not coming.

▶ The kidnapper threatened to kill her unless she did as he asked.


▶ kidnapper 綁匪

▶ threatened (v.)威脅;(adj.)受到威脅的


Instead 連接詞

▶ Instead 而非...;並非...

▶ Instead +句子;instead of +N/Ving


▶ The delegates were not taken to the famous steak restaurant. They remained at the hotel for dinner instead.

= The delegates were not taken to the famous steak restaurant. Instead they remained at the hotel for dinner.

= Instead of dining at the famous steak restaurant, the delegates had dinner at the hotel.

= The delegates had dinner at the hotel, instead ofdining at the famous steak restaurant.

▶ Mr. Mark didn't accept the promotion. He resigned and has started his own business instead.

= Mr. Mark didn't accept the promotion. Instead, he resigned and has started his own business.

= Instead of accepting the promotion, Mr. Mark resigned and has started his own business.

= Mr. Mark resigned and has started his own business, instead of accepting the promotion.



▶ delegate 代表

▶ steak 牛排

▶ remain 維持

▶ promotion 升官

▶ resign 離職


Therefore 連接詞

▶ Therefore = hence = thus = so 因此;所以


▶ There are protection measures against current leakage; therefore, our devices can remain proper operations.



▶ measure 測量、措施

▶ current 目前、電流

▶ device 裝置

▶ proper 適當;正常


Since 連接詞

▶ Since 本身是自從...的意思,作為連接詞則是因為;既然的意思


Since none of you has any objection, why don't we just start doing it and see how it goes.
(這句since 當作「既然」的意思)

Since you mentioned about the potential risk, Iwill hold onto the expansion project.
(這句since 當作「既然」的意思)


▶ mention 提到

▶ potential 潛在性的

▶ risk 風險

▶ hold onto 維持現狀

▶ expansion 擴展


As well as 連接詞

▶ As well as = and 意思是和;也;除...之外還


As well as例句

▶ Our lab experimentsmust be comply with international and environmental standards, as well as global certification regulations.

▶ I want to visit Amber as well as Morris.


As well as例句單字補充

▶ lab 實驗室

▶ experiment 實驗

▶ standard 標準;規範

▶ certification 認證


If 連接詞

▶ if 假如;如果;每當

▶ if 用來表達假設語氣,常見的三種用法為:與現在事實相反、與過去事實相反、與真理相反



If I win the lottery, I will travel around the world.

If we were given enough time, we would run the project even better than the management would have expected.

▶ I would promote Jeffery Wong if I were the CEO.


In case 連接詞

in case可做為副詞子句的連接詞,意思是萬一;以免


In case例句

▶ I suggest we prepare an alternative plan in case the campaign does not go as expected.

▶ Peter set off for the airport early in the morning in case he should be late for the flight.


In case例句單字補充

▶ alternative 替代的

▶ campaign 活動

▶ set off 出發


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